Monday, July 5, 2010

Sylvain Chavanel - Stage 2 Carnage in the 2010 Tour de France

After a rider went down, and took at least one motorcycle with him - and about 20% of the peleton - Sylvain Chavanel on team Quick•Step took the win in Stage 2 of the 2010 Tour de France.

He was in the lead for a hundred kilometers and he finished ahead of the GC by about 2:30.

This is Chavenel's FIRST yellow jersey in a 10 years of riding the Tour de France.


Tomorrow we get onto the Paves (cobblestones) and there could very well be more carnage.

Look for a couple posts later today with GC standings and Stage 2 standings. AND I'll see what I can find out about abandons after the massive crash today.

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