Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Stage 5 - Carhaix to Cap Frehel

Today's flatish stage 5 is about 165KM and will likely showcase some serious speed. I expect today's winners to be either Schleck brother in a breakaway, Cavendish for his first stage win of 2011 or an unknown Frenchman on a long split from the peleton.

I'm turning into Versus now to watch the stage and will share my thoughts as I watch.


At 155KM to got, there's a breakaway of a few riders who built up a lead of 1:39 on the peleton. Watching the group, it looks like there's no urgency in the chase and there are almost 100 miles left in the stage, so why would there be.


Aside from a few flat tires, nothing of note up through 135KM to go.


At 109KM to go, the four in the lead are just about 5:34 ahead of the peleton. Still nothing of note happening on the road except for one or two more flats and wheel changes. The reason I make a point of this is because in the spoilers provided via Twitter today, people talked about massive crashes repeatedly. So, I'm waiting for them to show up. Nothing yet.

Will pick this up again with 80KM or so to go in my next post.

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