The other day - and this is probably indicative of the long winter away from cycling - I saw a contest on Twitter that asked people to name two French teammates of Lance Armstrong.
You name the two riders and you could win a book about cycling. Well, I couldn't do it...for a few reasons. First, it's the offseason, sort-of.
While it's 21 degrees around Boston, the thoughts of cycling, Alpes and other TDF-related topics are pretty far from my mind. Even the motorscooter is packed away in the basement and the lycra sits quiet in the cat room.
Further, a quick look using Google didn't help and that told me one thing—it's time to start thinking about racing again. Really. I might not be getting back into racing form or entering any races myself, but I am going to start getting my mind around the racing scene again.
It starts soon in California and then moves all around the globe. So keep an eye here for cycling developments in 2010 and please share any insights you have via the comments. Rubber side down, etc. etc.
See you on the road!